Current News and Information

Current news: The Seed

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This month’s Pew Leaflet

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Forthcoming Services

Below you will find a list of the coming services.  All are welcome to join us either in church or through the live streamed services.  Click the image to watch live-streamed services at (or following) the times advertised.  [All live streaming is done through YouTube.]

Regular Ukrainian Orthodox Service 1pm on 1st Sunday of the month

Ласкаво просимо, всі наші українські друзі. Будь ласка, приєднуйтеся до нас у неділю вранці о 10 ранку, щоб разом поклонятися. Запрошуються всі діти та молодь.

Будь ласка, приєднуйтеся до Богослужіння Української Автокефальної Православної Церкви о 13:00 першої неділі кожного місяця.

Follow this link to our Ukraine Support Page

Welcome to Christ Church South Nutfield

Christ Church is a thriving centre of Christian life and activity and seeks to be a spiritual caring heart to our village community. Our congregation spans ages 0-90+ and we welcome all: those of the Anglican faith, those from other Christian traditions, those who are seeking faith and those who are merely curious.

We would describe ourselves as being on the evangelical end of the Anglican church spectrum, but as a parish church for all local people, seek to offer a variety of styles of Sunday worship, plus other weekday activities. You are welcome to join us at any of our services and there is always an opportunity for a cuppa and chat afterwards.

Sunday Services

Christ Church has a service every Sunday at 10.00 am, following a fixed monthly schedule. Music for worship on 2nd and 3rd Sunday mornings is led by our worship band with modern songs. On the 1st, 4th and 5th Sundays it is led by the organ and choir with more traditional hymns.

Our Church Family Service on the 2nd Sunday of each month is especially geared up to include our children and be accessible and informative for all ages.

Children’s Groups and Services

Our children’s groups normally meet twice a month in term time, on 1st and 3rd Sundays (and also on 5th if there is one.) The children come into church for communion towards the end of the service.

We all join together for our Church Family Service on the 2nd Sunday each month.

Little Fishes is a short service for families/carers with children 0-3 on the first Sunday each month. We have songs, story, game, craft, with chat and refreshments after. It takes 30 minutes and then families can choose to stay with us for refreshments or go into church for communion.

Rise and Shine is a short service particularly suitable for primary school children and their parents, held at 9.00am on the fourth Sunday of every month, which includes activities, and is followed by breakfast.

Youth United Christ Church and Earlswood Baptist joint youth group for Year 6 to Year 9. Runs on Sunday evenings, 6-7.30 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.

Home Groups

We have several home groups meeting locally in the village. Each has a slightly different ethos:

  • some meet weekly, some fortnightly
  • some begin with a meal
  • some concentrate on prayer and sharing, others on bible study and discussion
  • there are meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings and one for older folk meets on Monday mornings
  • some members are regular Sunday church attenders, while others are not
  • numbers vary roughly between 6 and 9.

We believe that these groups, allowing us to build relationships and pray, share and learn together, are a key focus for spiritual growth. If you’d like to know more about joining a home group, contact Sue Fairclough,


Sunflower Cafe

The Sunflower Cafe offers everyone a welcome from 10.30 to 12 noon every Wednesday morning in the Christ Church Centre, with tea or coffee and cakes, and the chance to get to know other people in the village. Once a month this incorporates the Hear Here hearing aid service.

Watch the video to see what you are missing!

New to Church?

We understand how hard it is to come through the door of a church for the first time and want you to feel at home, so click the button for a few pointers on what to expect…