Ми підтримуємо народ України!
“God of strength and peace, send your blessing on the people of Ukraine.
Sustain them in their struggles, hold them in their fear,
protect them from all danger and be for them the hope they desire.
For Jesus Christ’s sake, Amen.”
«Боже сили та миру, пошли своє благословення на народ України.
Підтримуйте їх у їхній боротьбі, тримайте їх у страху,
захищай їх від усіх небезпек і будь для них надією, якої вони бажають.
Заради Ісуса Христа, амінь».
+Robert Innes, Bishop of the Diocese in Europe, Church of England.

First Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox service in Christ Church on 24 July 2022
У Крайст-Черч ми уклали співробітництво з єпархією Української Автокефальної Православної Церкви у Великій Британії та пропонуємо нашу церкву як місце богослужіння для проведення богослужінь за українською православною традицією для української діаспори, мешканців Великобританії та біженців, друзів та приймаючих родин з Натфілд та навколишні села та міста.
Богослужіння відбуваються в першу неділю кожного місяця о 12:30.
Запрошуються всі бажаючі. Богослужіння відбуваються українською мовою.
At Christ Church we have entered into fellowship with the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Diocese in Great Britain and are offering our church as a place of worship to hold services in the Ukrainian Orthodox tradition for Ukrainian diaspora, UK residents and refugees, friends and host families from Nutfield and surrounding villages and towns.
Services are held on the first Sunday of each month at 12:30pm.
All are welcome to attend. The services are held in Ukrainian.
More Hosts Urgently Needed
There remains an urgent need for host accommodation for people fleeing from the war in Ukraine as the fighting and destruction continues. We need more homes in the Nutfield area, mainly for mothers and their children. There are desperate families who already have family and friends in the area, some with small children and others with teenagers. Many have lost everything – please help if you can.
Please contact Revd Len for further information or if you can help.
Nutfield / South Nutfield village Facebook Page
A Facebook page has been set up by Nutfield residents to help coordinate our response and support – This is the link: www.facebook.com/groups/720550142660933
At Christ Church we wish, as a church and as part of the village of South Nutfield, to support the people of Ukraine as they endure unimaginable aggression and suffering.
We suggest three areas where we are able to provide assistance:
- Refugee housing – The process of offering to host Ukrainian refugees is complex. The host has to make contact with those refugees seeking to come to the UK, get all necessary details and apply for visas on their behalf. To simplify this process a number of charities are acting as ‘bridges’ by being the hosting organisation as far as the UK government is concerned (undertaking all the administrative functions regarding visas etc) and then placing individuals and families with people who have registered with them as hosts. Read this helpful guide from the Guadrian (LINK).
One such organisation is Positive Action in Housing’s Rooms for Refugees programme (LINK). My wife and I have had a number of years of experience with them, hosting refugees and asylum seekers in our home over several years. If you wish to offer accommodation and host Ukrainian refugees you need to register with Positive Action in Housing’s Rooms for Refugees programme (LINK).
“Room for Refugees is an established and respected refugee hosting programme in the U.K. with over 12,000 hosts and 20 years’ of expertise. We have sheltered 4,000 refugees to date. We receive referrals from over 400 refugee and aid organisations, including British Red Cross, Refugee Council, Freedom from Torture, The Passage, Migrants Organise.”
“Ukrainian families are registering with us and we are working to assess their requests and identify host families from our Room for Refugees database. To be matched with someone you must be registered to host with Room for Refugees. We will match Ukrainians to volunteer hosts. Once matched, we will proceed to the visa application stage to try to quickly bring families through the Homes for Ukrainians route. We will also provide a designated caseworker for support throughout the hosting process.” |
- Financial donations – Through UK Disasters Emergency Committee which will be matched by UK government funds (up to a certain level). Link to DEC Ukraine Appeal
Please contact me if you could help.
Revd Len Abrams
“In as much as you did it for one of the least of these, you did it for me” Jesus – Matthew 25:40