Who's Who

Rev Len Abrams
Priest in Charge
Jonathan Holland
Licensed Reader
Nick Dobson
Kara Doye
Liz Jenkins
Yvonne Dyer
Parish Administrator / Safeguarding Officer
Karen Probetts
Safeguarding Officer
Sue Wayland
PCC Secretary
Sue Fairclough
Verger / Steering Committee Secretary

What We Believe

We believe that God's love is the greatest power in the universe and reaches out to everyone. That may sometimes be hard to believe when we're bowed down by the state of the world or when hard personal times come our way, but the church exists to help us lift our heads and open our eyes to see that:

  •      There are answers to life's questions.
  •      There is more to life than material things.
  •      There is a God who can be known and experienced in daily life and work.

New to Christianity?

If you are new to Christianity, or would like to explore the Christian faith, you might like to join us next time we run an Alpha Course (Parish Office 01737 821371) In the meantime you might find this link of interest:

Our Church motto:

“Knowing Christ, making Him known”  

We would describe ourselves as being towards the evangelical end of the Anglican spectrum and our church motto reflects this. We believe that Jesus Christ can be known personally by those who trust in him, and that we have a mission to let others know of this amazing fact.


Prayer at Christ Church

We believe that prayer is a vital activity.

There is a meeting for prayer each Sunday morning 9.15-9.35am in the Thompson Room, followed by a simple breakfast.

Members of the Prayer Ministry Team are always available after the Sunday service to pray with anyone who requests it, and a network forwards urgent prayer requests to them by phone or email.

Pastoral Care

We are fortunate at Christ Church to have an army of people who simply care for those in our local community. The members of our Pastoral Care Team are happy to visit anyone in the parish who is feeling bereaved, lonely or unwell, or would simply enjoy a chat and a cuppa. Whilst the team are not counsellors, they offer a caring and friendly approach, a willingness to listen, and to pray with you if requested.

If you or anyone you know would appreciate a visit, please do give us a call on 07419 781357. If you are calling on behalf of someone else please do ensure you have asked their permission before doing so. All matters discussed will be dealt with confidentially.

Weddings and Baptisms


At Christ Church, we like doing weddings, and welcome you warmly to celebrate your marriage within the heart of this special community at Christ Church, South Nutfield.

We will help you plan and prepare not just for the ‘big day’, but also to have an enduring relationship, ‘Till death us do part’ as the vows put it.  

Can we get married at Christ Church?

CLICK HERE to find out more about the details of a church wedding and some of the legalities. Or contact our parish administrator to find out more and get the ball rolling.



We like doing baptisms or christenings too, to celebrate the arrival of a new family member. We will help you prepare for the commitment you are making to the Christian faith for yourself and for your child, and you will all be warmly welcomed as part of our Church Family.

Generally we undertake baptisms as part of our main Sunday services at 10:00am (often at our Family Service which is usually on the second Sunday of the month), as we feel it is important that the Church Family are present to welcome you and support you and your families and friends. 

We also offer a service of Thanksgivingfor those who feel less sure about making the promises involved in Baptism, but would like to celebrate and thank God for their child’s birth.

Contact our parish administrator to find out more. Lots of helpful supporting information is available at:


Our Vision and Values

Many of our members work together in teams to promote our vision. These include: worship team, pastoral care team, serving team, teaching team, growing group and environment group. The values we aim to bring into this work are:


Building everything on a foundation of prayer


Being welcoming, open-hearted, respectful and valuing all


Sharing all God has given us, our resources, our time and talents


Working together well within the church family and beyond it

In Solidarity

Supporting others particularly through our links with St Patrick's Hospital in Zimbabwe, Welcare and the Renewed Hope Trust


Continuing to be environmentally responsible and working toward achieving our silver Eco award


Developing strong foundations of good practice in health and safety and safeguarding



Overseeing our Vision and Values are our Parochial Church Council (PCC). To find out more about the PCC, the roles and responsibilities of membership, and the conditions for election, CLICK HERE


Our Policies


Environmental issues are considered and promoted in all that we do at Christ Church. The church and grounds are managed sustainably wherever possible. We are pleased to have received the bronze and silver A Rocha Eco-Church Awards.

Environment Group Newsletter

Read the first issue to find out how Christ Church supports a greener approach and ideas for you to try to help make our community more eco-friendly. Go wild!

Summer 2023 Issue





In this second issue we take a look at heat pumps v solar panels and discover what wildlife is happening in our Church garden.

Autumn 2023 Issue





December 2023 issue is packed with information on how to dispose of e-waste, results from the Carbon Footprint Survey 2023 and Creation Care: a scheme currently being considered by Christ Church.

Winter 2023 Issue

The environmental team at Christ Church are investigating potential low carbon energy sources for heating and power, please find further information and timeline attached. If you would like to contribute please do get in touch.

Energy Information 


March 2024

We have reached the next the stage of consultation for the low carbon energy options: to contribute please complete the attached questionnaire.


Low carbon consultation information


Health and Safety

Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees and voluntary helpers, and to provide any information and training necessary. We endeavour to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all who enter the church, churchyard and Centre.

The policy and the way it is operated is reviewed regularly and the appropriate changes made. To this end, an item on health and safety is on the agenda for all PCC meetings.


At Christ Church we take safeguarding seriously and aim at best practice. We are committed to working hard to safeguard children and young people, vulnerable adults and those in abusive relationships.

We believe that every person has a value and dignity that comes directly from their creation in God's own image, and we believe that Christ calls us to love and care for all. This implies a duty to ensure all who come into this church and all in this parish are protected from harm.

If any of you, adults or children, see or hear anything at all that concerns you, then please talk right away to one of our Safeguarding Officers: Yvonne Dyer, Emma Wheedon or Karen Probetts (Team Leader).

To see Christ Church Safeguarding Policy CLICK HERE

For full details of Southwark Diocesan policies, procedures and guidelines, CLICK HERE

Helpline information:
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are worried about a child.
Child-line: 0800 1111 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are a child or young person and are worried about anything.
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are experiencing domestic abuse.
Samaritans Helpline: 116 123 (open 24 hours). Phone if you feel you are struggling to cope and need someone to talk to.
Action on Elder Abuse Helpline: 080 8808 8141 ( free phone Monday to Friday 9-5pm).


We ensure a welcome for those with disabilities by providing level access to the whole building, disabled parking spaces and a fully equipped disabled toilet. The church is fitted with a hearing aid loop.

Data Protection

Due to a change in Data Protection legislation (GDPR - see Note below), implemented on 25th May 2018, we are now required to tell you about how we use the personal data we hold about you, by providing you with access to our Privacy Notice. It may be updated from time to time.

This gives details of how your data may be processed; the legal bases we rely on to do this; circumstances in which it may be shared with others; how long we keep it; and your rights. The legislation ensures that you can request a copy of the data we hold about you, correct it if it is inaccurate, and request its removal or erasure (although there may be legal reasons why we cannot comply.)

Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential, and will only be shared with third parties where it is necessary for the performance of our tasks, or where you give us your prior consent. To ensure we comply with the legislation, we are undertaking an exercise to refresh the core personal data we hold about our church community, and to obtain any such consents.

If you have any questions about this, please contact the Parish Office, or our Data Protection Compliance Officer (Paul Smith).

GDPR Note:  https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/