Did you know that last year it cost over £77,000 to keep Christ Church running?

That’s £6,455 per month.

This money goes towards paying for:

  • The upkeep of our church and our community centre, all repairs and maintenance, fire protection, cleaning, heating, lighting, water, and administration: website, telephones and broadband, posters, stationery, licences.
  • Items required for services and events, for example: communion wine, candles, newsletter, orders of service, resources for children’s activities, projectors, screen, computers, tea and coffee, organists, flowers.
  • Our giving to the diocese to pay for our clergy, their training, housing, pensions, and to help churches in areas less well off than ourselves.

Although we get some income from hall bookings, fees etc., 75% of our income comes from our members, either via standing orders, free will offering envelopes or collections.

As Christ Church members, what can you do?

  1.   a) If you don't currently contribute, please think about doing so. Standing orders are the best way, especially if you can gift-aid it.
  2.   b) If you do contribute, but haven't increased the amount recently to allow for inflation, please consider whether you might increase your giving.

For more details, have a word with Jackie in the Parish Office.

If you'd rather, you could give via our Just Giving page:
