Nutfield CofE Primary School

We have a close link with Nutfield Church of England Primary School, going in to lead collective worship on a regular basis, helping with school events, having pupils visit the church on occasions, and representatives on the governing body. For more information, see

For members of the Church Family, we are happy to provide a Church reference for places. If you are going to request a Church reference please get in touch with Len prior to putting in the application. For details of the information and criteria this reference includes please see

St Bede's School

In our area, in St Bede’s ( we have an ecumenical Christian Secondary School. For members of the Church Family, we are again happy to provide a Church reference for places. If you are going to request a Church reference please get in touch with Len prior to putting in the application. For details of the information and the criteria this reference includes please see

St Patrick’s Clinic, Zimbabwe

Our parish is linked with this small rural clinic in Zimbabwe, which is working towards becoming a hospital. We have provided ongoing support via Lent appeals, regular donations and occasional fundraising events. Members of the parish have been to visit the clinic and the Sister in charge, Eugenia Shumba, visited us in 2012.

Open Hands Reigate

Open hands is a Christian Charity with a Food Bank located inside Reigate Baptist Church, and have a desire for feeding the community in a way that helps them feel human and wanted, even loved. Christ Church members have supported Open Hands since its inception, especially at Harvest time. LINK


Christ Church is in the Diocese of Southwark and is part of the Nutfield and Bletchingley Group of churches, the others being Nutfield Parish Church and St Mary the Virgin, Bletchingley.

Nutfield Good Neighbours

Nutfield Good Neighbours is a scheme to help people keep their independence. It is a voluntary scheme for the residents of Nutfield Parish and is not age dependent. They help with transport to the doctor, dentist, hospital, etc, etc. The scheme does not charge for the services, but does request a donation towards the costs.

Call weekdays between 10am and Midday on 07809 900661
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