The Church Electoral Roll is a list of the lay members of Christ Church who are eligible to be on the list and who have applied to be on it. The Roll is used to determine eligibility for attendance and participation at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and for election to the PCC. It is also used to determine eligibility to the deanery, diocesan and general synods. In addition it is used for the calculation of the number of our representatives who may be elected to each of these synods in the following year.
The Roll is revised every year in time for the APCM, although in every sixth year, instead of a revision, a completely new Roll has to be prepared. 2025 is such a year – the Church Electoral Roll of all Church of England churches throughout the country is being completely remade this year.
To be eligible to be included on the Roll you must be a lay member, baptised and over 16 years of age on or before the date of the APCM. We would encourage all regular members of our congregation to have their names on the Roll. To have your name added to the Roll please complete an Application for Enrolment form.
Everyone needs to fill in a form, even if you have been on the Roll at Christ Church in the past.
Filling in an Electoral Roll Form
There are a number of ways you can fill in the Enrolment Form:
- Online: Fill out the form below on this website and submit it.
- By email: Download a PDF copy of the Application for Enrolment form from the web site link below, fill it in and return it by email to A typed name on this form is deemed to be a valid signature if you return the form by email.
- By post: Alternatively, if you would like a form to be posted to you please contact the Parish Office. You can post these back to the parish office or leave completed forms in the box at the back of the church on Sundays.
- At Church on Sundays: We will have Electoral Roll forms available at the back of the church each Sunday. Completed forms may be dropped at the Parish Office or placed in the box at the back of the church.
Closing date:
All completed forms must be submitted by Monday 17 March when the Roll will be closed until after the APCM which will be held on Sunday 6 April 2025.
Download PDF form
Online Form
[Remember to press the “Submit” buttom at the end of the form!]